A superhero saves the entire world... helps the police, jumps over buildings, catches all the bad guys. A hero only saves people from drowning. So he wants to be a superhero, not just a hero.
And because he will be a superhero, he will need to stitch up some superhero clothes.
Ankit came to Mummy with a toothpick. He had broken it into half, and those two pieces into further half. But he could not break it any further. He asked Mummy why he could not break it. She told him he will be able to break it when he becomes stronger. He asked how he will get stronger. She said, no, when you exercise and become stronger you will be able to break it. He asked if it would make him a superhero.
Soon, he was found trying to run on our elliptical exerciser. When he got off, luckily he managed to break the toothpick even further.
What color is toothpick-breakup-man's cape?
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