Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Happiness Sadness

Ankit was getting into the habit of sulking and pouting if anything did not go his way. When asked, he would say he was feeling sad.

So, one day Papa asked him to do a counting exercise. He asked Ankit to count all the happy things that were there and all the sad things that were there. If the number of happy things was more than the number of sad things, then Ankit would have to smile and feel happy instead of pout and feel sad. This worked great since everytime Ankit would have more things to be happy about than be sad about.

One day, Papa Mummy bought him a Gameboy. Like most toys bought for him, he was really excited in the beginning. But very soon the Gameboy was in one corner, the games in another corner, and the manual elsewhere.

After a few days, the Gameboy could not be found anymore. Mummy looked and looked one evening and could not find it. She decided to get strict with Ankit. He was playing in the bathtub oblivious to his Mummy's anger. She walked up to him and said:

M: "Ankit"
A (without looking up): "Haan, Mummy"
M: "You know your Gameboy"
A (still busy with his rubber duckies): "Yeah"
M: "It is lost"
A (still busy): "I know"
M: "I cannot find it"
A (popping bath bubbles): "I cannot either"
Mummy gets mad at the indifference.
M: "Does it not make you sad that you lost your Gameboy within a week of having it"
A (still playing): "Yeah, I felt sad. Then I counted the happy things and the sad things, and there were more happy things, so I felt happy again"

What can you say?


Blogger Peeyush said...

I think we need "Mummy said/Mummy did" where Ankit may post.

11:47 AM  

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