Thursday, January 27, 2005

Cough test

Ankit goes to the doctor for his five year checkup.

Since he is a boy, the doctor asks him to drop his pants and gives him the "cough" test. While the doctor is still holding on, Ankit says: "I know what you are doing!".

"What do you think I am doing", the doctor asks, partly shocked, partly surprised by the assertion.

"You are checking my kidneys", Ankit quickly responds. Of course.


Sunday morning, Ankit is on his way to Hindi school with Papa, practicing the Hindi letters of A and I.

"Do you know any words with I?", Papa asks him.

"Imli", Ankit says. (Imli is a kind of tropical spice/fruit)

"Good", Papa says.

"Can you please tell me one more with I? Then we will have two words", Ankit says.

"Idli", Papa says, after a lot of thinking. (Idli is a south Indian steamed rice cake dish).

"Idli.. yes", Ankit says, "... there are actually two words called Idlis".

"Two words?", Papa says, "I know only one meaning.. the thing Madhuri Aunty made the other day. What is the other word?".

"New Idli", Ankit says, "Where Baba (grandpa) and Dadi (grandma) live".

"That is New Delhi, Ankit... not New Idli", Papa corrected him when he stopped laughing.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Is that life

Ankit is on his way to school when Papa starts teasing him about something.

Ankit starts throwing tantrums and whining because he doesn't like being teased. Of course, this does not deter Papa and he keeps doing that.

After some time, Papa explains: "Ankit, you should not get teased when someone tries to tease you. You should just ignore them, or tease them back. If you whine about being teased, people will only do it more and more."

Ankit thinks about it for a second then asks: "Is that how life is?".
