Monday, September 12, 2005

Climbing Mt Everest

Ankit has wanted to climb Mt Everest since the day he found out it was the tallest mountain the world. One day, this desire becomes extra strong and he takes it up with Mummy.

Ankit: Mummy, Mt Everest is 5 miles tall, right?
Mummy: Yes, Ankit.
Ankit: Then why can we climb Mt Everest? We went to Rattlesnake Mountain. And that was 5 miles.
Mummy: Because Ankit, walking 5 miles is not same as climbing 5 miles.

Ankit looks confused. Mummy sees his confusion and decides to explain it to him using a glass and a string.

Mummy: Do you see this string? It is as tall as the glass is?
Ankit: Yes.
Mummy, wrapping the string around the glass: Now, when you climb a mountain, you don't go up and up. You go round and round like this. You see how you cannot get to the top by going the same distance?
Ankit: Yes.
Mummy: That is why you cannot climb Mt Everest by walking 5 miles.
Ankit: Yes. Also, if there was a string there, it would be much easier to climb.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Hot Chocolate

Ankit is sitting with Papa and Mummy at the airport and all three are having some snacks. Papa and Mummy are drinking coffee, while Ankit has some hot chocolate. All three are enjoying some cookies.

Papa is done with his coffee and cookies and looks at Ankit's plate. He notices that Ankit has eaten all his cookies but his cup of hot chocolate is still full.

Papa: Ankit, you finished all your cookies, but you didn't even touch your hot chocolate.

Ankit: Yes, I did. I touched the hot chocolate with the cookie everytime before I took a bite.

Papa wonders if he is talking to a budding lawyer.

Exit Sign

Ankit and Papa are at Frankfurt airport, walking briskly towards gate B23 to catch a flight to Seattle. Suddenly, Ankit sees a green sign depicting a human figure heading towards a door.

Ankit: Papa, what is that sign for?
Papa: That green sign? That is to show where the exit is.
Ankit: What is an exit?
Papa: Exit means going out. That sign shows where you go if you want to go out.
Ankit: To catch the plane Indian style?

Papa is dumbfounded. He is puzzled about Ankit's comment, when he realizes what Ankit meant. In India, due to lack of jetways, all domestic flights stay parked on the tarmac and require a shuttle bus ride from the gate to the plane before you can board. So, yes, catching a plane Indian style does require Ankit to 'exit'.